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Merry Christmas!

Posted by lasta Friday, December 21, 2007

From Mi Escondite En Iceland.

I am going to take a few days off from the blog world, but I shall return as soon as possible. I had intentions of posting much more before Christmas, but I have too many things to get done.

Anyway, I would like to wish a Merry Christmas to all my new blog friends, including all of you who played "tag" with me. I will be praying that you and your loved ones, have a wonderful holiday, and that you may be very blessed.


Christmas Elves

Posted by lasta Thursday, December 20, 2007

Here is a Little Christmas Cheer.I am completely enamored with these little guys. Check them out at Liquid Paper.

I've Been Tagged!

Posted by lasta

I was tagged by Aphrochic. Thank You! Here are the rules.
Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and or weird things about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven Random or Weird Things about Me.
1. I always listen to flamenco music while I work on my blog. Ole, Ole.
2.I am a wanna be photographer and I often take pictures of things people leave out on the curb.
3. When choosing my favorite restaurants, I often choose by decor first and food second.
4. As I drive around town I like to sing along with my favorite songs, and imagine myself singing them while competing on American Idol. I could totally win!
5. After my son was born, I realized that I didn't really remember the words to any lullabies, so I used to sing him Roy Orbison and Beatles songs, because I did know those words . This is a lesson for soon-to-be parents. Please take some time to learn a few lullabies.
6. When I am working on a design scheme, I design around texture. After deciding what combination of textures I want to see, I make the colors and furnishings work around it. I am a texture junkie.
7. My fashion sense is influenced by a combination of James Cagney's gangster films, Frida Kahlo, Audrey Hepburn, and Johnny Depp. I am still not sure if this is really a good combination, it may just equal a big mess.

I am tagging In(side) the Loop, Cote de Texas, Nune pepe, Freshly Found, Pink Wallpaper, M.A. Belle, and Another Shade of Grey.

Add Some Glitz and Sparkle to Your Home.

Posted by lasta Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Most of us have heard of the idea that every great room needs "jewelry" just as every great outfit does. I couldn't agree more. I love adding sparkle in varying amounts wherever I can. The room above is from Ochre. Their beautiful custom chandelier compliments the muted colors and matte finishes.
Above:1.Coco Mirror from Ochre 2.Barstool and Lamp from Mondo Cane
Above and below are a few examples of a modern take on sparkle for a room.
Below: Design by M Design Group

If your style is more classic, check out the fabulous room from Albert Pinto. An amazingly talented designer, Pinto balances many types of finishes that result in a luxurious yet inviting room. Below are pieces I love that would give some glamor to almost any room.
1.Lamp from Paris Hotel Boutique 2.Chair from Oly Studios 3.Painted sideboard from Jimmie Martin

Looking for some inspiration?

Posted by lasta Monday, December 17, 2007

One of my favorite things about the being part of the blog world, is finding people who have some of the same quirky interests, I do. One of my most passionate interests has always been collages, and any type of mixed media displays. When I was a teenager, I had an entire wall covered with cork so I could fill it with it with inspirational images. Somehow, as an adult I felt like I should let go of that, even though, I still loved the idea of collecting. When I got married, I took to pinning up images inside my closet door, so as not to be snickered at by my husband. Well, now I can take my inspirational images out of the closet (literally) and display then proudly along with many others who are part of a Flikr group called "Inspiration Boards". Here is a collection of some my favorite images.

I love this 3D collection. Especially since it is about Georgia O'Keeffe, one of my favorite artists. I grew up in the Southwest, so her work makes me think of home.
Check out the companion blog, also called Inspiration Boards, where you can read interviews with many of the contributers. Be prepared to lose a lot of time scrolling through these photos.

This is a Must See!-Dwell Design Leader Videos

Posted by lasta Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dwell magazine has an amazing video series, highlighting some the most innovative people in design today. My favorite video highlights Michelle Kaufman. She designs and builds environmentally friendly, pre-fab homes. If you are dreaming of owning a modern home, you will be inspired her infectious passion. Click here to see the remaining videos.
(Via Imedagoze and Another Shade of Grey)

Handmade Christmas Gifts

Posted by lasta

Here is a great idea for all the handmade items, lovers. I like the idea that they are handmade gifts, made for your hands...except for the scarf of course. Check them out at Etsy store, Gaye Abandon.

It's Begining to Smell a lot like Christmas

Posted by lasta Thursday, December 13, 2007

Its Christmas time again, and every year I deal with the same dilemma. What is a minimalist girl to do with so many fussy decorations? As a child , I remember Christmas being a very stressful time for me, and only now do I realize that it was all the muss and fuss that drove me crazy. As an adult, I have often rebelled against the whole decorating thing. (I am not protesting Christmas...just the decorations). But this year my son is old enough to be aware of his environment and started asking, " Where is my Christmas tree?", so I decided to put one up for him.
All this got me thinking, "What is it that I love about Christmas?". I realized what I love is the wonderful aromas. Pine, rosemary, cinnamon, hot chocolate, fire places; these are definitely the things that say Christmas to me. So I've come up with a new form of holiday decorating, "Fragrance Decorating", (I'm still working on the name).
So first, I ran out and looked for a wonderful Christmas candle. My favorite place to look for candles is Kuhl-Linscomb. Anytime someone travels to Houston, Kuhl-Linscomb is a must see. After testing many candles, I chose "Frasier Fir", from Thymes. Very lovely, I also like the fir tree graphic on the container.
Second, I went on a hunt for fresh plants. I drove to River Oaks Plant House. This place is a real treat for the senses. Fresh pine trees, natural garlands, and beautiful flowers, will really put you in the Christmas mood.
So, I can finally say that I have found a form of holiday decorating that makes me happy. My hope is that anyone else who struggles with the same aversion to crazy Christmas decorating, will find something that appeals to their senses.

A Time to Give

Posted by lasta Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Today is December 11 and my 8th wedding anniversary. Over the weekend we took a trip to San Antonio, as is a tradition of ours to celebrate.
While we were gone, I didn't really watch any television, so I didn't get too much information about the tragic church shootings in Colorado. Only today did I find out that one of the church's is led by Pastor Brady Boyd. Pastor Boyd is the pastor who performed my wedding ceremony in Amarillo, TX. 8yrs ago. I can't quite describe the shock I feel. When my husband and I first met, we attended the same church, and Brady Boyd was our Sunday school teacher. Later, he was promoted as a Pastor in another church, but because he had meant so much to us we asked him to perform our wedding.
Several years later, when my son was born, we traveled to Dallas to have Pastor Boyd perform a dedication ceremony for my son.
My heart is so heavy because of what has happened in Colorado. Several people were killed,including two teenage sisters, Stephanie and Rachel Works; at New Life church. I am attaching a link to a memorial fund for the Works family (Here), if you would like to help in any way.
Christmas time is a time to give to others and surround yourself with the ones you love. Sadly, several families and church congregations will be missing some of their loved ones this year.
At I time like this, I am reminded of how important our families and friends truly are.

Posted by lasta Monday, December 10, 2007

Where is Your Dog Sleeping Tonight?Here is the best dog bed I have ever seen. Anna at DoorSixteen posted these photos of her pooch in his new bed. I love it. I live in a small house, so I always feel that my dog's bed is in the way, I don't like looking at it all the time. But, with such a stylish option, who wouldn't keep the dog bed in plain view.
Maybe all those dogs who will only sleep in their owners' beds would think twice too.

Posted by lasta

Give your kids a stylish Christmas gift this year. I don't normally write about clothing, but I love this attire from Twig. I really wish some of these pieces came in grown-up sizes.

Posted by lasta Friday, December 7, 2007

I love pottery ! Almost any type, but especially handmade organic pottery and vintage kitsch. I found a very interesting article on Crafty Synergy blog (click here to read). It is an interview with artist Chloe Le Pichon. She makes some very beautiful pottery that can be found on her Etsy shop, Chloe Le Pichon Ceramics. What really caught my eye about the interview is Chloe's desire for people to understand the difference of buying one of a kind handmade pieces and buying mass produced knock-offs. As a designer, I have become very frustrated with so many large retailers making cheap reproductions of furnishings and accessories. I think it bothers me because, eventually, nothing feels special and unique anymore. What's special about lamps or mirrors, sold by the thousands at Wal-Mart.
Its important to realize that artists and artisans, put their heart and soul into items they make. Even seemingly simple objects require time and technique. This past fall, I decided to take an oil painting class. Being such a lover of art I couldn't wait to paint my own abstract masterpieces. Much to my surprise, even abstract art requires experience and know-how. I was horrified at my total clumsiness with a brush and my lack of understanding of how to even mix colors properly. After taking that class, I have a new found respect for artists and their abilities.

Posted by lasta Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Yellow, Yellow, Yellow!

I found this image while reading Apartment Therapy today, and had to post it. I have been repainting my own house lately, and I am using a similar color. (I will post pictures as soon as I am done). I love this color, its so lively without feeling childish.

Posted by lasta Monday, December 3, 2007

I would like to present my new house! Okay, not really...just wishful thinking. I found this gorgeous home, as I visiting NuNu Pepe blog which led me to Purple Area, etc.(Check out these sites). I had a literal jaw-dropping moment when I saw these pics.

For all those who say contemporary and minimalist design it too cold, I would like to point out all the rich textures and and shapes in this home. I love the subtle lines of the painted herringbone wood floors, especially as it meets the soft texture of the rug.

The grain of the wood tables in the pictures above and below are so rich when combined with beautiful chairs and stark surroundings.

I hope to be moving into this home soon. I just have to find where it is first.

The Principles of Uncertainty/ Maira Kalman

Posted by lasta Saturday, December 1, 2007

On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble, I discovered this wonderful book by Maira Kalman. The beautiful cover, and unusual title immediately caught my eye. I am not going to say that I knew much about Kalman before I read this book, but I am a genuine fan now.Kalman is an author, designer, and illustrator. She has illustrated many covers for The New Yorker and has contributed to many other books, including several for children. She has built a reputation for viewing life in a very quirky, and sometimes absurd way. The Principles of Uncertainty was originally a narrative journal composed for The New York Times.
I must admit that as I began leafing through this book, I felt a strange connection to it. It was the kind of feeling you get when you meet someone that is so much like you, that you think they taking your thoughts and saying them for you. I love the abstract thoughts and unusual connection of themes in this book. Some thoughts are hilarious and some are very poignant, but in a very unusual way. I am sure that not everyone will understand Kalman's logic, but it is still worth reading. First of all, the illustrations are magical and charming, they are pieces of art that can be interpreted according to every readers point of view. Its also great for those time when you need a chuckle.

Posted by lasta

I don't think I need to say too much more about the book, because it certainly doesn't need help from me.
I recommend linking to Kalman's site to see more of her work and to see a great short movie called The Elements of Style. I also, found a site called that features a talk by Kalman in which she gives deeper insight into her creative process.