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Dallas Holiday

Posted by lasta Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello! I'm working away, trying to get everything done in a short week; just like most of you are. Although, not totally certain; I think we may be traveling to Dallas for the weekend. I really hope we do because I LOVE Dallas shopping:) In order to find the best sites, I like to check out Style Swoon for great hints. Check it out. Its a great blog! Anyway, I saw an article about a shop called North Star Antiques. This place is going at the top of my list to see.

(Photos via North Star Antiques website)
I'm just hoping they are open Thanksgiving weekend. Please, please be open!!!!!

Top Of The World!

Posted by lasta Saturday, November 21, 2009

My brother sent me this AWESOME video, today. If you are a true-blue movie lover, like I am; I know you will appreciate this collection of famous movie quotes. I think it pretty much covers all of my favorites. I titled this post after my favorite quote and all time favorite movie "White Heat". (Made it Ma, top of the world!) I also want to dedicate all Top Gun and Caddyshack quotes to my husband:)

Look Up!

Posted by lasta Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Commercial spaces are such a great place to get design inspiration. They are often very bold and adventurous. One of my favorite things in commercial spaces is the attention given to ceilings. No boring white planes of emptiness!
This beautiful Spanish restaurant does an amazing job of making the most of the large expanse above. Its interesting how subtle the rest of the decor is. The intricate angles of the ceiling are such a focal point, the space doesn't need much else. Love it!
I realize most of us can't tear down our ceilings and build an entire new shape, but there can still be a lot done. How about at least painting them a more interesting color than white? Also, add details like antique looking medallions coupled with modern light fixtures. That's a personal favorite!
One more thing! I'm crazy about the hand drawn pictures on the restroom doors. Doors as art? Who knew?

Goodbye To Tired Holiday Decor!

Posted by lasta Monday, November 16, 2009

As the holidays approach I usually write about my dislike of boring decorating ideas. I never understand why so many of us can't let go of "Grandma's decorating" ideas when it comes to Christmas! As it turns out, the folks at Found feel the same way and they (unlike me) decided to do something about it. Tuesday evening they are opening their doors and sharing lots of fresh and stylish decorating ideas.

Great tip: Use fresh greenery! It has a wonderful aroma and looks amazing in any home.
When it comes down to it, what bothers me about most holiday decorating is its garishness. You know, most of us would never consider living with tacky, shiny objects on a regular basis; but we don't give it a second thought at Christmas time. Why? Subtlety, can be so much more beautiful. Also, subtle doesn't have to mean boring. It can be very unique and charming.

Don't you love this color!!

Okay, I admit I can be a bit of a Scrooge. Fortunately, even Found's lumps of coal come in a charming package. Ha, Ha!
Here's some more info. Maybe I'll see some of you there:)

Friday Favorite: The Stagers

Posted by lasta Friday, November 13, 2009

Have you watched The Stagers on HGTV? I really love this show! Unfortunately, since I like it, it must mean that its not a very popular show. I'm not sure why any time I like an HGTV show, it always seems to bomb. Perhaps I need to move to Canada. My favorite shows are Canadian and they do well there. Oh well!
I'm addicted to this show, because I think their designs are great and its just fun to watch. Home staging is different than interior design, because of its unique approach. In order to stage a home must be attractive w/out being too personal. I think it can be a challenge for homeowners to separate themselves from their own homes, so I agree w/ bringing in professionals to help. Also, with the current market being what it is, making your home as attractive as possible has to be a good thing!
The stagers are part of a Canadian company called Dekora. It looks like an amazing place that stores a massive amount of furniture, art and accessories available for staging. Personally, I have never run across a place quite like this, but would kill to do so!
If I were walking through this house, I would be tempted to runaway as fast as I could.

Ahhh! When can I move in?
I would love to get opinions of any designers reading this article about your feelings on staging.
Worthy cause, or passing fad?

Finally Recovering From The Market!

Posted by lasta Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wow, I'm finally back!
Its taken a few days to recover from the market. Not that I was exhausted so much, but getting my house back in order again! Yikes!!! Never mind the amount of things I put off last week that are now catching up to me this week. Thankfully, I can say that we still had a great time:)
As usual, there was an array of amazing objects everywhere. When I arrived early Sunday morning, I made the decision to only allow myself to buy things after I had sold some of my own. Also, I couldn't spend more than I made. That would not have gone over well with Mark, trust me.
The funny thing about the market is that now its a place to catch up w/ friends and acquaintances. I had a chance to run into fellow bloggers, favorite shop owners, and readers! It was great fun. Above, are photos of Cheryl Schulke's (Stash Studios) amazing handmade bags. They really more awesome than a photo can capture. As the bloggers who stopped by to show some love, I want to say thanks to the ladies of La Dolce Vita, What Would Jane Austen Do?, and Under A Paper Moon. I'm not forgetting anyone, am I? After a while, Sunday became a bit of a blur. Even my tireless 4 year old had to take an occasional break!

I had the amazing pleasure of sharing my space with several wonderful (and much better prepared) ladies. (Except I don't know blond lady in the middle. Oh well, it was like a big ole' party) Maura (on the right) thanks for all your help, and Mark said, "Thanks for the wine!"

I love the idea of an "Industrial Christmas!"
Don't ask me what these wire bowl type things are for, but I do love their shape.

Cool or creepy? Haven't quite decided yet.

I even had a chance to hang out with Mary of The Fabulous Flea. Some of you may remember and article I wrote about her shop here. P.S. if you want to see more of her amazing finds, The Fab Flea will be open tomorrow; (11/12) so check it out.
Finally, I want to thank all of you readers who stopped by and introduced yourselves. Its such a pleasure to meet you and I'm so grateful to know that you regularly take the time to read this blog:)

Attention Houston Shoppers!

Posted by lasta Friday, November 6, 2009

Don't forget The Urban Market this Sunday. I will be there again, so come and find me. I won't be there with any other Houston bloggers this time, so I'm going to be there all by lonesome. (More reason for all of you to come keep me company) I'm very excited, I'm sure its going to be great!! Let me know if any of you are planning on being there, I will watch for you:)

Come Hither

Posted by lasta Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You know when you watch a scary movie and the main character walks up to a creepy building or room. Most of us think "Don't go in there!" Why do they always go in?! I always think, "I would NEVER walk in!" What if you walked up to a doorway that looked like this? I think I would take a chance on facing my doom, just to see the rest of this place:)
Via: Marie Claire Maison?

You Can Believe I Was There!

Posted by lasta Sunday, November 1, 2009

I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world, so Mark and I went to see "This Is It" over the weekend. I can say that it was amazing! Perhaps, it help bring a little bit of closure too, I mean it was an incredible tribute. I loved being able to see that despite the craziness that surrounded Michael Jackson in his last years, he never stopped being the INCREDIBLE performer. Even Mark, who has never been a MJ fan; loved seeing the behind-the-scenes angle and how in control of every detail MJ was. True genius! If you are as much of a fan as I am, I recommend seeing this. It was great to be in a theater full of other fans, too! People would clap and cheer after every song, wave their hands in the air during the ballads, and gave a standing ovation at the end of the film. It was great:)